SolidApp - a fundamental system
SolidApp builds open source software for standard-based declarative applications in Java(TM) and .NET
Our mission is to build and service software that creates, deploys and runs standard-based declarative applications for JavaTM and .NET

XPath Engine

The XPath engine which was developed as a component of the XForms processor is available as a standalone build that makes it easy to use in applications. The engine can be used with any DOM which supports the DOM Core Level 1 interfaces. There is some small boilerplate code that is needed by the engine to maintain node order.

The engine was built with the purpose of:

  • being very fast as the evaluation speed is crucial for XForms.
  • being accurate and follow the XPath specification accordingly.
  • being extensible so users of the engine can add new custom functions.
  • provide information about which textual content the XPath expressions is dependent on. This is used in XForms for determining when an expression must be executed again.
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